
Company with a track record of 30 years.

Chairman, Nandkishor Kagliwal

Nandkishor Kagliwal has done his MS in management from USA, is a first generation entrepreneur. He is founder-chairman of Nath Group of industries. Nath Group has presence in seeds, food processing, manufacturing of value added paper & boards, industrial chemicals and education. Presently Honorary Consul for the republic of Tunisia and Honorary Commercial Attache for the State of Nebraska, USA. Deeply involved with agricultural research, rural development, education and health care. Instrumental in setting up Nath School of Business & Technology, a modern hospital and the now acclaimed Nath Valley School and various other socio-cultural institutions in Aurangabad region. Nath Bio-Genes is an intensely research oriented pioneering seed company in India. "Nath Seeds" is a household name in the farming community. The company works closely with over 15,000 seed growers and produces seeds on about 30,000 acres of land and provides quality seeds for nearly 6 million acres of land.

Nath Group has established a Mega Food Park near Aurangabad providing state of the art, integrated infrastructure for food processing industries.

Nath Group has two paper mills located at Aurangabad and Vapi producing value added industrial and cultural papers. The group also has substantial presence in manufacturing of industrial chemicals. Served as a member of Planning Commission of Maharashtra, President of Maharashtra Economic Development Council (MEDC) for five years and Chairman (WR), Federation of Indian Export Organizations (FIEO). He was on the board of State Bank of Hyderabad, IDBI and SICOM. Currently he is Member of Managing Committee of FIEO, MEDC, IMC Chamber of Commerce & Industry (IMC), Central Institute for Research on Cotton Technology (CIRCOT) He enjoys reading, widely travelled and is a much sought after speaker.


  • Strategically located with all infrastructure facilities.
  • Recycling waste to produce specialty grades of paper.
  • Providing value added chemicals to catalyze industrial growth.
  • Highly qualified trained & motivated team.
  • Market leadership in respective segments.
  • Excellent network of consumers & dealers.
  • The products are preferred in export market.


  • Company’s wide product port-folio include variety of grades of papers such as Absorbent Kraft, Carbon Base, Poster, Napkin grade tissue, Gift Wrapping Tissue, Color Tissues, Masking Paper and Protection paper, paperboards
    like DTY, POY, Thermal paper and other speciality coated grades.
  • Flexibility of manufacturing paper from 18 to 600 gsm.
  • Substantial market share in most of its varieties.
  • Excellent dealer network.
  • Innovative marketing strategies
  • Dedicated and competent, technical and marketing team, equipped with innovative ideas and strategies, thriving to capture a major part of the market share in these segments.
  • Continuous R&D in Company's state of art laboratory, and installation of QCS (Quality control Scanner) established and enhanced the acceptance of our products in domestic and global markets.
  • Adequate infrastructure facilities critical for paper industry such as huge spare land, uninterrupted water and power supply.
  • Flexibility to manufacture various grades of paper gives a distinct quality edge. With the current Global scenario, Export potential has opened up significantly and your company has been scaling up its marketing network to tap this potential.
  • Manufacturing of Sulphur based chemicals such as Sulphuricacid,Oleums,Sulphur di oxide, Sulphur tri oxide and Chlorosulphonic acid
  • Diversified in chemical business by putting up of a plant to manufacture LABSA (ACID SLURY) for a capacity of 16000 MT p.a. used by detergents and soap manufacturing industries. The product has great growth potential.
  • Set up a plant for manufacturing of Thyonyl Chloride for a capacity of 16000 TPA used by various agrochemicals, Pharma intermediates and other chemical Industries.

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